IT 関連ツイート
@mailmeplease1 2018/11/10 17:07
When you ask a girl to marry you, do you want her to just consider it?
Or do you want her to just know?
Gizmode - 【きょうのセール情報】Amazonタイムセールで80%以上オフも! ワイヤレス充電対応の大容量モバイルバッテリーや腕時計型ボイスレコーダーがお買い得に:…
@hajimekato2 2018/11/10 17:08
RT @np_ama: There were comfort women.
@ak_reboot 2018/11/10 17:09
But, it is what was invited under private management, and a Japanese army is not what exerted coerci…